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hiram last won the day on September 10 2022

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  1. Landsat 9 Data Users Handbook Detailed Description The Landsat 9 Data Users Handbook provides an understanding and associated reference material for the Landsat 9 Observatory, the data acquired, and subsequent science products and processing systems. https://d9-wret.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/palladium/production/s3fs-public/media/files/LSDS-2082_L9-Data-Users-Handbook_v1.pdf
  2. Bienvenido amigo a GIS-AREA, un saludo de hermano desde Venezuela...
  3. Ok, first step open digitizer tool .. then right click and select create point / text features and you have four alternatives to add contour value..I hope this can help you ...
  4. Hi deepgis, you can upload a sample ? ... I think with Global Mapper you can convert .dgn file to shape file...
  5. Hi deepgis, you can upload a sample ? ... I think with Global Mapper you can convert .dgn file to shape file...
  6. Hi gilmour, some time ago prepare a compilation on that interesting subject. I hope you are useful .... and welcome to gisarea. I also hope to draw your own conclusions... https://mega.nz/#!1NhAUZQZ!UinvBmTbzcr9uO8typ4_dXGjOflhhNlx9srYOF1OgKo
  7. Interesting this topic, I hope that for the next few days I can prepare a review on it ... and share it with the community of GISAREA.
  8. My solidarity with the people of indonesia, my solidarity with you...Lurker
  9. Hello friend Masmosh , welcome to GISAREA. as a welcome gift I give you this link .... I hope will be useful ... http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/~gisteac/gis_book_abridged/
  10. Hello friend am2, I have the same problem with the following links... http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ http://glovis.usgs.gov/
  11. welcome friend, and thank you for your words and support...
  12. SAS Planet.release. 160606 Date 2016-06-06 Link: https://bitbucket.org/sas_team/sas.planet.bin/downloads Luck....
  13. I believe that these links can help in this topic ... luck http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/41432/create-dem-from-stereo-pairs-using-arcgis-for-desktop-or-open-source-gis https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_i_create_a_Digital_Elevation_Model_from_satellite_Images https://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/introductiontodemextraction.html http://www.pcigeomatics.com/pdf/extracting_DEM_from_stereo_photos.pdf http://global.digitalglobe.com/sites/default/files/DEM_Extraction_from_WorldView_Imagery_in_PCI_Geomatics.pdf http://global.digitalglobe.com/sites/default/files/DEM_extraction_from_OR2A_Stereo_and_ERDAS_LPS.pdf http://www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXXVI/8-W27/krauss.pdf
  14. Hi ransara, I hope this paper will be useful..... https://www.itc.nl/library/Papers_2004/msc/wrem/de_ruyver.pdf
  15. hiram

    3D Printer

    Idiot's Guides: 3D Printing3D printing is the hottest new technology. It allows just about any at-home inventor, artist, or engineer to design, create, and "print" their own parts, artwork, or whatever else can be imagined — all at very reasonable costs. Idiot's Guides: 3D Printing explores this new revolution by explaining all of the basics of materials, parts, software, modeling, design, and finishing. The book then takes it to the next level by teaching readers how to take their new skills and print some simple, fun projects. Helpful advice on setting up a home-built 3D printer, buying a manufactured printer, selecting raw materials, and finding plans and projects online, are also covered. Download Link: https://mega.nz/#!YRQHlSiI!sPWvyK-rQyxIHVYPzSbNKDBGwVZW2CdYftz1ZSnPXOg
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