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New Satellite Set to Revolutionize Understanding of Water on Earth
By Lurker,
SpaceX, the space exploration company, launched a research satellite into orbit on Friday 16 December 2022. Named SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography), the satellite – which is the size of a large car – will measure the water level on more than 90% of the planet’s surface from its position 890km above the Earth. Scientists will use this data to identify areas vulnerable to flooding or extreme drought, as well as to track the rate of rising sea levels and the resulting coastal erosion.
Shapely 2.0.0 Released
By Lurker,
Shapely 2.0 version is a major release featuring a complete refactor of the internals and new vectorized (element-wise) array operations, providing considerable performance improvements (based on the developments in the PyGEOS package), along with several breaking API changes and many feature improvements.
Refactor of the internals#
Shapely wraps the GEOS C++ library for use in Python. Before 2.0, Shapely used ctypes to link to GEOS at runtime, but doing so resulted in extra ove
Landsat Next
By Lurker,
Landsat Next is on the horizon—the new mission will not only ensure continuity of the longest space-based record of Earth’s land surface, it will fundamentally transform the breadth and depth of actionable information freely available to end users.
Landsat Next will also provide new capabilities for the next generation of Landsat users. The enhanced spatial and temporal resolution of the 26-band “superspectral” Landsat Next constellation will unlock new applications for water qu
All Landsat Collection 1 data will become unavailable on December 30, 2022.
By Lurker,
This removal includes all Collection 1 Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, and ESPA- related Landsat 1-8 products. Collection 1 has not been updated with Landsat products since December 31, 2021 and does not include Landsat 9 data.
Users are encouraged to migrate their workflow to Landsat Collection 2 as soon as possible. Due to advancements in data processing and algorithm development, users are discouraged from using Collection 1 and Collection 2 interchangeably within the same workflow.
QField 2.5 is here, reaching new heights
By Lurker,
QField’s main new feature of this 2.5 release cycle is its brand new elevation profiling functionality which has been added to the measuring tool. Users are now able to dynamically build and analyze elevation profiles wherever they are – in the field or on their desktop – by simply drawing paths onto their maps and projects.
This is a great example of QField’s capability at bringing the power of QGIS through a UI that keeps things simple and avoids being in your way until you need it. Oh an
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