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[Help] How can i publish and share my Web Map in ArcIMS?
By mostafa,
Hi all,
i currently made web map by ArcIMS, and i want to publish it on the Internet or any other PC.
thank you.
Export 3d modell from Arcgis 9.3 to Sketchup 6 pro and export back to Arcscene
By maunaloa,
Hi everyone!
Once i heard about a tasty thing...but i have some defect...
- if ya have a polyline feature, and you make a field, which store the feature's absolute height, you can export it to sketchup, to make a vertical polygon from it
- you need sketchup 6 pro, sketchup arcgis plugin, and arcgis 9.2
- If ya export the line from arcgis, ya can use the plugin, which asks you, where is the height of the feature, you click on the height field, and then sketchup showing your exported line.
ArcGis add photo to database.
By fester,
Hi im try to add a miniature in a database, for have it in shp map.
For do this i use this method:
i edit a point, line or polyline, and in the edit mode i select identy tool, and in the identify feature i select the first value , and with right click i add a hyperlink to a photo.
done this i can see a photo or when i select the line, point or polyline, with hyper link tools, or with identy tool right click and hyperlink...
but i wish had a immediately visulization, in other words I'd
MOVED: Erdas signature file help!!!
By Lurker,
This topic has been moved to Remote Sensing.
Erdas signature file help!!!
By regonath,
Hello, please help me at this one!!!
How i export some signatures that i made in a supervised classification (make them a .sig file) to use it at an other image?(erdas) :undecided:
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