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How to remove google earth copyright texts on the images
By skylmla,
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to remove the copyright texts (like DigitalGlobe...) in Google Earth's images v5 or v6? I know there is tool to use for this task in Google Earth v4.2.
Please help me if you could...
Thanks in advance...
Convert Raster into USGS DEM
By Lurker,
hello, any clue on this ?
I have raster data which is ESRI BIL, and I need to cenvert to USGS DEM, which have .dem extension
any tool or maybe script to do this ?
regards, MOD
Arcscene 10 can not display data correctly in Win 7 SP 1
By Lurker,
Hello, I have 3d project that need to display 3d visually. so I use Arcscene 10 in my laptop that using win 7 sp 1 (latest update). but seems it can not display my data correctly, it keep freeze all the time
so I open my data in my PC use windows xp sp 3, and wow it show up,
anyone have the same problem? is it bug or something else ? any work around on this problem ?
regards, MOD
Indonesia coordinate systems
By rimutaka,
Does anyone have information about Indonesia coordinate systems?
Thanks in advance.
updating xy (in Decimal Degree)
By atul_salunke,
I am trying to pass xy of shapefile to googlemap.But the xy updated by Update Xy tool in tool box in meters.i have changed the properties of data frame to decimal degree but its updating in meters.
Can any one help me .How to update the xy in decimal degree format
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