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cseu last won the day on March 2 2013

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  1. Guys i'm back to business... Rocking GIS all over the place, thanks for allowing me back into the matrix...
  2. Hi, the only alternative i can think of : http://professionnels.ign.fr/rgealti Unfortunately the data ain't free. But the cost isn't astronomical if you really need it. Most of the data is obtained by lidar, you can download for free the metadata rasters that indicate the source of data in your region of interest... You could easily determinate the precision before hand. I know no other reliable source for what you're looking for. Hope it helps. Cheers.
  3. I've been moved to inactive members as well. Thanks !
  4. Bonne nouvelle... voyons l'étendue de la communauté francophone ;-)
  5. Apparently the same as spot 6 : 1.5m natural colors. I haven't found anywhere the resolutions of panchromatic and multispectral bands. Certainly not enough resolution for the price they'll probably sell the imagery...
  6. This may also help : http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/ds769 It's suggested to transform bathymetric data to NAVD88 using vdatum site and use it for the whole map.
  7. Those may be useful references : http://vdatum.noaa.gov http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/datum_options.html Good luck.
  8. OK... I've looked more in details and there is no easy way that i know of to do this in ArcScene... or at least it will be hard to configure to get exactly what you showed here. I strongly encourage you to use Golden Software Surfer which is the tool designed specially to make such maps...
  9. What do you mean by XYZ Vector ? Do you mean XYZ grid ?
  10. Surfer from Golden Software or ArcScene from ESRI.
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