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stuart1974 last won the day on August 28 2019

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  1. Hi Jae0, I tried the algorithm, it smooths the DEM but its not anything like the sample. The texture in the sample is very smooth and shiny, as if it is polished. I hope someone knows how we can accomplish it. Thanks Stuart
  2. Hi, I have a sample DEM that has been generalized and filtered but keeping the sharpness of features. I have tried all filters i know but i couldn't replicate it. I would like to see if someone knows how to do it. Below are the links for the original and processed DEM: Processed: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1rv6nq3d3fwi6tp/filtered.jpg/file Original: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rn1jkbd06uwhkr4/original.jpg/file Thanks in advance Stuart
  3. sorry, I moved the subject to the request section.
  4. Hi intertronic,


    Do you still have the modified socet_start.bat that yamahadrums posted when releasing socet set 5.3,




    1. intertronic


      hi, sorry  no i don't have it..


  5. Hi yamahadrums

    I installed Socet set 5.3 on windows 7 64bit SP1, on one computer it worked on another one it wouldn't start,

    Can you please reupload your modified Bat file




  6. Hi Garmin NT Maps can not be converted into a shapefile, there is no software till date that can do this. Non NT old Garmin maps can be converted by first unlocking the map and the by using GPS Mapedit to same in Polish Format. After that you can convert into Shapefile using registered version of GPS Mapedit. Stuart
  7. Hi Any one has the retail installers for Orbit Mobile mapping software: (Content manager, Feature Extraction, Advanced Feature extraction Bundle and Publisher..etc) Thanks Stuart
  8. Hi, Garmin NT Format can't be converted into polish format, only Non - NT can be converted. I have been working with Garmin maps for a long time. Stuart
  9. Hi, From my experience parallel desktop is the best option. Stuart
  10. Hi Anyone has emotion 2 flight planning software from SenseFly. Thanks Stuart
  11. Finally the US Government released the export of imagery with less than 0.5m to the rest of the world. Stuart
  12. Dear Geoscan I am in the Aerial Photography and mapping Field, i have a project to make a survey of the existing situation of more than 100 Quarry sites. I am searching for a UAV solution to conduct the project. Thanks Stuart
  13. Hi i sent them an email, but with no response. Stuart
  14. Hi, I saw the movie, it is impressive. also the flight time is great. I will try to contact them to check for pricing. Stuart.
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