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How to correct the elevation (Z) on the digital terrain model/DTM (raster) using gcp?
By tiktik,
Hello, How to correct the elevation (Z) on the digital terrain model/DTM (raster from Terrasar) using gcp? what software or tools can I use? My DTM doesn't have RPCs. Thankyou
DEM filtering Algorithm
By stuart1974,
I have a sample DEM that has been generalized and filtered but keeping the sharpness of features. I have tried all filters i know but i couldn't replicate it. I would like to see if someone knows how to do it.
Below are the links for the original and processed DEM:
Processed: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1rv6nq3d3fwi6tp/filtered.jpg/file
Original: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rn1jkbd06uwhkr4/original.jpg/file
Thanks in advance
An interval of values for the NDVI of a cork oak forest
As part of a project requested by the University where I study, I was asked to detect the temporal progression of a cork oak forest (Maamora in Morocco). To do this I turned to the NDVI index but I do not know the values of a pixel of cork oak forest concerning this index. So, I turn to you to give me an interval for the NDVI of the cork oak or why not another indicator that would better detect this kind of forest.
WFS Link on Key Based Authentication
By adnan0001,
Dear Experts..
Anyone has experience on generating WFS links based custom key authentication on a particular users with their keys using ARCGIS tools..instead of username & password..
Thank You
NGS releases beta tool for obtaining geodetic information

By Lurker,

NGS has developed a new beta tool for obtaining geodetic information about a passive mark in their database. This column will highlight some features (available as of Oct. 5, 2020) that may be of interest to GNSS users. It provides all of the information about a station in a more user-friendly format. The box titled “Passive Mark Lookup Tool” is an example of the webtool. The tool provides a lot of information so I have separated the output of the tool into several boxes titled “Passive Mark Loo
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