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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2013 in all areas

  1. Hello There! Would like to share this link for those interested to code in python and make maps =) http://sensitivecities.com/so-youd-like-to-make-a-map-using-python-EN.html I was able to create 300 of these maps in 2 hours after reading this. =) Also done this to visualize the extent of damage due to storm surges brought about byTyphoon Haiyan (Yolanda in our country name) in Tacloban City, Eastern Samar.
    3 points
  2. Dear HTC!! You should first do atmospheric correction of your satellite image using Envi FLAASH or ERDAS ATCOR module.TOA radiance or reflectance would also serve ur purpose. But for getting accurate values of NDVI, you should use reflectance image calibrated by FLAASH module. if U r using ENVI for NDVI calculation using reflectance image.. u should just write the NDVI formula in Band math as: (((float(b1)-float(b2))/(float(b1)+float(b2)))) where, b1 denotes NIR and b2 represents Red band.
    1 point
  3. so, you need crack or what? this forum for discussion, If you ask crack/medicine/fix, this is wrong place, but If you ask how to do that or this, then this is the right place please give the screenshoot, I can make new rules and assign the value, but I don't see what you have mention above
    1 point
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