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Found 8 results

  1. Hello All I couldn’t figure out why the Erdas 2015 generates a wrong placed tie points when I use Automatic tie point generation measurement, have a look at the below example. Here is the procedure of my work: 1- I have added tie points on the images (Manually added 3 tie points on shared locations in different images). 2- then I have added the GCPs. 3- I run the Automatic tie point measurement 4- the result was for example in image 1 the point was located at a tree while its located on a house in image2 and located on a street in image 3. What might be the issue here ?!
  2. I am using Erdas Imagine 2015 software to perform an unsupervised classification of a Landsat 8 img file. When using the Isodata method is there any parameters I can adapt such as standard deviation, convergence threshold etc that are a standard to produce the most accurate results for a land cover assessment rather than the default settings. As recoding and masking individual classes is a lengthy and complicated process. Thanks
  3. permisi salam kenal, saya dikky setiawan sedang membuat Tugas Akhir berkenaan dengan remote sensing Saya punya permasalah pada pembuatan peta tutupan lahan, dengan menggunakan software argis 10 dan erdas 8.5 1. saya sedang membuat peta perubahan tutupan lahan, antara tahun 1990, 2000, dan 2015 pertanyaanya, setelah saya calculate luas dalam bentuk luas (ha) kenapa setiap tahun total Luas nya berbeda pada kecamatan tersebut ? padahal saya sudah clip dengan benar, sebelum menghitung, contoh luas kecamatan 100 ha, setelah saya buat peta tutupan lahan, total nya tidak 100 ha, ada yang 90 ha, 80 ha, apakah piksel pada citra landsat mempengaruhi total luas tersebut ? 2. kenapa setiap pembuatan peta tutupan lahan, setiap orang berbeda- beda hasilnya ?? 3. bagaimana layout yang benar untuk peta tutupan lahan, point apa saja yang harus ditampilkan ? 4. apakah ada citra satelit dengan resolusi tinggi, selain google earth yang dapat didwnload secara gratis ? 5. apakah teman teman mempunyai monogram yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam membuat sample jenis tutupan lahan pada citra landsat tm? untuk kelas 1. tambak 2. pemukiman 3. rawa 4. semak belukar 5. tanah kosong, contohnya seperti pemukiman, biasa berwarna pink pada piksel citra [lampirkan gambar] 6. saya punya masalah satu lagi, saya melakukan ground cek lapangan, untuk pemukiman warna piksel biasanya pink, suatu ketika saya membuka google earth pada daerah yang tidak terjangkau, saya melihat pada citra ada juga yang berwarna pink, saat melakukan penelusuran pada google earth daerah tersebut tidak ada pemukiman, yang ada hanya tanah kosong dengan tanaman pertanian, untuk itu saya minta bantuan teman teman yang mempunyai monogram yang dapat saya jadikan acuan pada daerah pesisir agar untuk memudahkan saya saja. trims, salam GIS Indonesia Dikky Setiawan ([email protected])
  4. I pan-sharpened one Landsat Image on ERDAS using the resolution merge resource, with brovey transform and nearest neighbor techniques. But I was told that in terms of land-use classification, it would be a mistake doing it, since pan-sharpening creates false pixels that would add erros. Is it true? Thank you.
  5. can anyone please help me to analyse each pixel of a raster image using while loop in erdas imagine spatial modeler language ? I have a 4 layered raster image. i need to consider each pixel as a column matrix whose number of rows is equal to the number of layers of the raster image. then the transpose of each pixel matrix is to be find. how to do this in erdas imagine ?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to perform some wetland supervised classification, and I am getting quite a bit of spectral confusion, with overlapping and incorrect classes. I am using ERDAS 2014 and Landsat 8 imagery. When evaluating the training classes, some of the bands show quite distinct and separate histograms, while in other bands the histograms interfere with each other. Is there a way to only use some of the bands to classify certain training sites? The only way I have seen so far is to create a subset image without certain bands. However, that requires a whole new training signature file to be made. Is there a quicker way? Thanks
  7. Hi, I am using Modis surface reflectance (MOD/MYD09GQ) product in HDF format and I need to process it in Erdas Imagine 2013 however, when I open it in Erdas following warnig message appears " Corrupt sibling entry". Does anyone please know what it means and what to do about it? Thanks a lot
  8. Hi! I'm trying to perform some topo correction on Landsat TM and ETM+ data using ASTER DEM (30m) or SRTM DEM (90m). I already used Atcor 3 module for Erdas 2013. But i'm not satisfied with results (it performs topo and atmospheric correction, but I need only topographic). Can You recommend me some software or a method to make topographic correction? I made a script in python for DOS atmospheric correction (its best in my case, i'm going to make change detection on vegetation indices) and its a mountain area so topo correction is required.. Best regards Rutek
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