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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hello, I have MODIS surface reflectance 250m imagery for Scandinavia for one year and I need to extract surface reflectance values for specific points (lakes) and determine the date of freeze and break up of ice. Most of the lakes however freeze in November when large parts of the imagery is affected by polar darkness. It still contains the information but the values are of course many times lover than in daylight conditions. I was wondering if anybody would know any correction method that could be applied to calibrate the values. Thank you Tereza
  2. Ok well it seem that the MODIS conversion toolkit is a better option, thanks. I have one more question I would like to build a model in ArcGIS to process the data and integrate the Envi scripts, Does anyone have any experience in creating the script for ArcGIS?? Thanks a lot
  3. well not yet, since I have to process very large amount of data (18 tiles of daily surface reflectance for 13 years) the goal is to have the process as automated as possible. I wanted to use spatial modeler for the preprocessing of the data including reprojection. I cannot find anywhere what that warning even means, it is not in the documentation or anywhere else.
  4. Hi, I am using Modis surface reflectance (MOD/MYD09GQ) product in HDF format and I need to process it in Erdas Imagine 2013 however, when I open it in Erdas following warnig message appears " Corrupt sibling entry". Does anyone please know what it means and what to do about it? Thanks a lot
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