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ERDAS: create contour/DEM from stereo images

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Hi everyone!

My friend told me, that erdas imagine can create dem/contour from two images (a stereo image pair). He told me, erdas need some point, with known x,y, z coordinates. After the points are identified on the stereo pair, the program can recognize the surface, and create DEM.

Anyone have idea, how can i make it?


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hem, i just search and found interesting articles, though its for ERDAS 2010

i quoted for you

ERDAS 2010 offers two quite good opportunities to create a Terrain Model from stereo images.

The first (ATE Classic) could be used to process DEMs up to a resolution of about 10m, the second, newer product (eATE) produces DEMs with resolutions up to 12,5cm! (an better)

The Problem: first is more easy to use, second produces better results  (depending on input images)

The following lines show the workflow if a Blockfile *.blk already exists:

for Classic ATE:

1) start LPS and open Block file. check if images are available and Int. / Ext. Orientation are well defined.

2) "process" -> "DTM Extraction " -> "Classic ATE"

3) Output Type DEM (=raster file), select "Single Mosaic" and select output location.

4) define output CellSize ( first, us a bigger Cellsize to check if the results is okay, then, for an overnight calculation, set this field to your target resolution)

5) "use Adaptive ATE"  will improve the results but only if a Projection is defined in the *.blk properties

6) hit RUN (progress bar is at the bottom)

for eATE:

this is kind of complex.... I've written a "knowledge eATE" Document, but only available in GERMAN, otherwise use eATE Tour guide

The basics:

1) start LPS - Terrain Extraction - eATE

2) Edit - Output Settings (define output directory and save *.LAS and Raster file)

3) Edit - Strategy Manager (see Help, lots of experience necessary - use default at first and see what happens)

4) Edit - Process Engine Settings: important: Pyramid level to STOP: 0=full resolution, high processing time, 3=medium res, faster, ....

5) Edit - Set preferences: important: define Overlap in Percent (i only use 2 rays = pairwise matching)

6) Process - generate Processing Elements: for each Stereo pair overlap, one *.cfg is file created

7) Process - Batch eATE, define simultaneous jobs (depending on CPU-cores)

8) wait and have fun with the results!

BUT: I recommend a training session for using eATE!

taken from this links




they have good communities ,  :kiss:

regards, LORDI

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