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Dall.E 2 is here, so I gave it a try


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The long awaited Dall.E 2 is here without the wait list. DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. New users can start creating straight away.


Starting today, we are removing the waitlist for the DALL·E beta so users can sign up and start using it immediately. More than 1.5M users are now actively creating over 2M images a day with DALL·E—from artists and creative directors to authors and architects—with over 100K users sharing their creations and feedback in our Discord community.

See the announcement.

How much it costs?

Registration is free and comes with 50 credit registration token which can be used for every time you generate something new. After first month each month will get 15 credit for free. These credits will not roll for more than a month. If you want more $15 will get you 115 credit. Paid credits will roll until one year. You own everything you create, ownership rights are same for both free and paid credits.

How to use it?

After registration, write your prompt in the textbar and hit 'generate' and see the AI create four beautiful picture using your description. If you like one of them you can create four more alternatives of the that picture. You can even upload your own image and modify that using prompts.

There is also an edit button inside Dall.E 2. This function will let you edit the existing or uploaded image using AI. You can remove and generate background, change color or light or even combine multiple image in one.

My examples 🤪



a closeup of a cartographer with a VR headset in retro colors in a spaceship outside the world in space with Sun in the background, synthwave style, 2d digital vector art



Two astronaut are working on a map while the world is being destroyed, Neoclassicism



Colour splash of a little girl with a red rain coat holding a map in the rain in a busy road, long shot

Here is a good guide for the prompt.

There are few more @CG

Edited by rahmansunbeam
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