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  1. Hi guys, Any idea why is that Trace Tools(in Editor) wont draw and keep on giving Ping sound? It was OK before. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks! I can use the eraser tools but the erased pixels keep on coming back. Anybody willing to help? Thanks.
  3. Guys, I have a raster that contains only two values, 0 and 1. The zero values represent the land area whereas 1 is water. There are some land pixels that I need to 'erase'. Anybody knows how to do that in Idrisi or other software perhaps. I tried ArcScan but the Raster Painting toolbar is inactive, even after I start editing the raster layer. I could not understand why. Anybody willing to throw some light?
  4. Hi, I am from UK. Nice to meet u all. Nice forum!
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