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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2015 in Posts

  1. Does somebody have a good reference on - practical results of DEM generation using various types of satellite imagery - the relation (if any) between spatial resolution) and the accuracy (in elevation) for derived DTM/DSM - the same question about airborne LiDAR data (relation between points density and accuracy). (I'm preparing a project where DEM accuracy is critical (flooding) and we are hesitating between satellite and airborne LiDAR All advices and experience are welcome !
    1 point
  2. Hey all, I'm relatively new to the remote sensing side of the GIS field, so I apologize if this seems a basic question, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how the SDSs are set in a daily MODIS dataset (like MOD10A1 or MOD09GA). As you approach the poles, the number of times a particular pixel is imaged rises. My question is, how does this affect the setting of the 'State_1km' SDS flags? From what I've gathered, they are based off the observation with the highest quality, but do they then apply the same SDS across all the pixels for that day?
    1 point
  3. Just saw the news in TeckCrunch. Nadella started to take bold decisions which could surely change Microsoft in near future. Starting from the server side technologies only, maybe in future we will all see a complete bar-free ecosystem for everyone. Read full article http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/12/microsoft-takes-net-open-source-and-cross-platform/
    1 point
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