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Pansharpened SPOT image is blurry


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This topic is just out of interest, but something strange happened when I tried to pansharpen (resolution merge) with ERDAS IMAGINE. 

The SPOT 5 panchromatic and multispectral bands seemed to be slightly out of alignment, and result was a blurry output! I suspect its a data supplier issue.  It also happened to someone in our department working in a different area, same data supplier and same software.  I havent experimented with any other software yet.

Thankfully, the pansharpened image isnt crucial for my workflow, but as its happened at least twice, I was wondering if anyone else encountered this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

what panchromatic data you are used? 5 meter product or 2.5 meter product? fuse 10 meter and 2.5 meter likely spawning some artifacts pixel (blurry/pixelated features), and that couldnt be avoided because resolution difference is quite significant, moreover if your data is not properly aligned each other,

my suggestion are,

1. you can use orthorectification to perfectly align the two images, or

2. image (multispectral) to image (panchromatic) registration, then the co registered images are fused, and last, re-georeferencing the result,

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Hi, thanks for the comments. Yeah, it was 2.5m panchromatic wand 10m multispectral, so perhaps causing those artifact pixels.I also contacted the data provider and the images arent orthorectified, so rectification could be the other issue. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

Though the PAN and MSS bands are perfectly aligned, the pan sharpen might be blur. Why?

- The top-left pixels of the two images are not at the same coordinates (this caused by the different no. of pixels in two images).

- The method you've applied has limitation.

The first reason commonly happens.

Solution: Use a rectangle to clip both image. This makes sure both images are of the same size, same coordinate boundaries.

Finally, feed that images to your pan sharpening procedure.

Good luck.

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