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Ways to Donate Your Computer's Unused Processing Power


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I remember long long time ago, i've been involve on Folding@home initiative, fighting disease by donate small of my computer source while idle to support molecular dynamics simulations of protein dynamics.

there are some other project worth to try:




Climateprediction.net, based at Oxford University and the Open University in the U.K., describes itself as "the world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century." This distributed computing project is designed to produce predictions of the Earth's climate up to 2080 and to test the accuracy of climate models. Experiments include estimating the possible effects of climate change mitigation strategies and an investigation of the possible impact of human activity on extreme weather risk.



The World Community Grid's mission is "to create the world's largest public computing grid to tackle projects that benefit humanity." The grid supports research into cures for muscular dystrophy, influenza, AIDS and childhood cancer, among other things. The grid, which was headed for half a million members as of August 2009, runs on BOINC software and is funded by the NSF.



Folding@home is a distributed computing project for performing molecular dynamics simulations of protein dynamics. Its initial focus was on protein folding but has shifted to more biomedical problems, such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, COVID-19, and Ebola.



BOINC is used by many volunteer computing projects. Some are based at universities and research labs, others are run by private groups or individuals. You can participate in any number of these projects.




GPUGrid.net stands apart from a lot of older volunteer computing projects in that it relies on graphics processing units from NVIDIA graphics cards and PlayStation3 systems. The project uses the processing power to perform simulations aimed at better understanding proteins and other molecular events.


and many others project

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