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I have downloaded the DECC's ascII format of wind speeds for the UK but I am unable to convert this to a GIS format.

Is there a manual or tutorial video to do this?

I have also been on the UK Climate Projections User interface which claims to have wind speed data available but I am unable to find it.

Is there anywhere I can get UK wind speed data that is suitable to use within ArcGIS?

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someone has same question to you in ESRI forum, :


here you go :



The ETSU NOABL wind speed data is stored in ASCII (text) format. The file format
is ASCII, a simple text format. It may be that there is no dedicated function in any
particular GIS to read this file type.
However, as the file type is simple and readable
by a number of different applications, (eg MS notepad, or Excel) that it should be
possible to import the data. The text file accompanying the ASCII files describes the
file format.�?�

Importing into ArcView
Open your ASCII file in Excel as semi-colon delimited data, delete header line and
first column and then save as a CSV comma delimited file.
Open this in a text editor such as Wordpad and Replace the 'semi-colon+space' with
a 'comma' and then delete carriage return at the end of the file and then add the
new header lines at the top of the file:

ncols 700
nrows 1300
xllcorner 0
yllcorner 0
cellsize 1000

Save it.

Next, in the file manager just delete the ".csv" suffix and replace with ".asc" and it is
ready for Import into ArcView if you turn on the "Spatial Analyst" extension.


good luck

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Hi stephenhann
Looks like Global Mapper (available elsewhere on this site) has a function to handle your data according to the following statement:



Global Mapper TM

Vector Formats

DECC UK Wind Speed Data



The Department of Trade and Industry wind speed database contains estimates of the annual mean wind speed throughout the UK. The data is the result of an air flow model that estimates the effect of topography on wind speed. There is no allowance for the effect of local thermally driven winds such as sea breezes or mountain/valley breezes. The model was applied with 1km resolution and makes no allowance for topography on a small scale or local surface roughness (such as tall crops, stone walls, or trees), both of which may have a considerable effect on the wind speed. The data can only be used as a guide and should be followed by on-site measurements for a proper assessment. Global Mapper v14.2 and later can directly load these .asc files as a set of point features with a single wind speed value at each location. You can then easily grid that point data set if you would like.


Then Is just a matter of exporting it to AGIS

Edited by spazzle
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