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Remote Sensing or GIS for studying in a M.Sc program? Which one is better?


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Hi there,


There is serious problem that I've been encountered with that, and need your suggestions on it.Indeed, I'm going to continue my studies in a M.Sc program, but I got confused by some factors for choosing an appropriate major. In fact, my choices are GIS and Remote Sensing, but making a good decision about choosing which one, is a really difficult work! Therefore, I need your helps about this matter, and please leave your comments on this subject, and tell me that from your opinion which one has a better position in terms of both the future job finding and academic stuff such as doing research, etc.?


Thanks a lot 

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It depends on many factors including where you live?what do you want to do in future and so on,

Consider you want to start work after your M.A so you could spend your time on learning how to work with softwares and so on,But If you want to continue for phd it deferents,You have to learn more..you can not septate these two fields but if for GIS you have to find some skills in programming more than Remote sensing ..But I suggest you to learn as much as you can..Learning don't harm..Just follow your interests and learn them

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It depends on many factors including where you live?what do you want to do in future and so on,

Consider you want to start work after your M.A so you could spend your time on learning how to work with softwares and so on,But If you want to continue for phd it deferents,You have to learn more..you can not septate these two fields but if for GIS you have to find some skills in programming more than Remote sensing ..But I suggest you to learn as much as you can..Learning don't harm..Just follow your interests and learn them


Thanks a lot for your help.


At the moment, I'm living in Iran, but I have a plan to continue my studies in a Ph.D. program in a developed country (e.g. Canada, USA, etc.) in the future. First of all, I want to know that in a developed country which of these majors is more popular and has a better opportunity to find a suitable job? Then, which one is broader in terms of research topics to work on?


Thanks again

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