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image type for ENVI


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i separate your post, since its different topic, now we talk bout ENVI. okay, this is short description of ENVI supported files

ENVI uses a general raster data format consisting of a simple flat binary file and a small associated ASCII (text) header file. This enables ENVI's flexible use of nearly any image format, including those with embedded header information. Because ENVI uses ASCII header files that are built on-the-fly if required, you typically do not need to convert your image file formats. ENVI supports MSS, TM, SPOT, ERS-1, AVHRR, AVIRIS, GERIS, GEOSCAN, TIMS, digitized aerial photographs, DEM data, AIRSAR, RADARSAT, and SIR-C data in their native formats (byte, signed and unsigned integer, long integer, floating point, double precision, 64-bit integer, unsigned 64-bit integer, complex, or double complex). The general raster data is stored as a binary stream of bytes either in Band Sequential Format (BSQ), Band Interleaved by Pixel Format (BIP), or Band Interleaved by Line Format (BIL) formats.


BSQ format is the simplest format, where each line of the data is followed immediately by the next line in the same spectral band. This format is optimal for spatial (x,y) access of any part of a single spectral band.


BIP format stores the first pixel for all bands in sequential order, followed by the second pixel for all bands, followed by the third pixel for all bands, and so forth, interleaved up to the number of pixels. This format provides optimum performance for spectral (z) access of the image data.


BIL format stores the first line of the first band, followed by the first line of the second band, followed by the first line of the third band, interleaved up to the number of bands. Subsequent lines for each band are interleaved in similar fashion. This format provides a compromise in performance between spatial and spectral processing and is the recommended file format for most ENVI processing tasks.

yap, basically, base on my experience, any raw image data with BSQ, or BIL or BIP are supported by ENVI, and its quite easy to open any kind of image files in ENVI

if, let say, error happened, then use import option. it will be widely supporting anykind of images. be carefull in any compressed images, this kind of images sometimes unsupported, for examples ERDAS img format , etc

regards, ADMIN

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