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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everyone, I just want to share a new software of point cloud processing: LiDAR360. This software has the ability to visualize large point cloud data and automatically align flight strips, classify points and generate spatial products. Main Functions: Strips alignment Automatic and semi-automatic point cloud classification(ground, buildings, vegetation, powerline, tower and so on) Forest analysis(including forest metrics calculation, tree segmentation) Powerline analysis(including power line segmentation based on towers, danger points detection, report generation automatically) Image processing(Stitching images together) 3D model generation from images ​ For more information, you can contact : Website: www.greenvalleyintl.com Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=zh-cn#!forum/lidar360
  2. Hello everyone, I'm here to post a very basic question about DEMs. Can a DEM be derived only with Lidar\Radar technologies? Or are there ways to elaborate a DEM also from optical? I am working on crop classification and it would be extremely useful for me to be able to derive plant height from the optical data I'm working with (both Landsat8 and Sentinel2). Thank you for your attention, Laura
  3. I am attempting to downscale a plethora of temperatures points over a high resolution DEM, and have hit several roadblocks. On further research, I have found a method in which to execute this task, but am stuck on how to execute within ArcMap. The weighted linear function I plan to use is as follows `y=Bx+C` Where y=predicted temperature, B and C are coefficients, and x is the DEM layer. There are also several complex weighted functions that determine the influence of the station on the regression model as the specific DEM cell gains altitude away from the station and proximity away from the coastline. I've also attached the thesis in which this mirrors, which goes more in depth on the equations in question. http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr2002/22/c022p099.pdf Any help would be great, thank you! Eric
  4. I have 2 feature class files of contour lines for an area of interest - from 2 different sources. We would like to select just one to use and I'm looking for any methods to effectively compare the files. I'm using ArcGIS as my primary application to run an analysis. Wondering if converting the lines to surfaces and comparing the surfaces is appropriate, or comparing values only along the lines itself? Should I be comparing to a DEM file to see which contour line deviates the most? Thank You.
  5. Hello Friends, Currently, i have some researches about object classification. I am using ecogniton before, but i am hardly knowing how to use DEM as a thematic layer on that. How to add altitude information from DEM into our ruleset? Is there anything feature represent altiltude (DEM) ? I also want to use CART analysis as decision tree for choosing some features to split all my class. But, i dont know how to use it. I ask the author from paper i read, he told in ecognition 8, CART already built in so i dont need to use another software. Anyone can help me how to use that? Thanks for any help friend.
  6. Hi guys, i hope i landed in the right forum here. I need to work with a DEM in TIN-format with the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extension. Sadly, i can't even get my DEM into ArcMap... So, i will list my problems and hope for some help from such nice people as you certainly are 1) matching coordinate systems of all my data (transforming, projecting) My DEM-data uses GCS_Bessel_1841. Would there be any inaccuracies if i would transform it to DHDN 3-Degree Gauss Zone 3? Or should i rather match all my other data to the DEMs coordinate system? How would i do that? 2) merging layers of raster data of the same format My DEM consists of several different layers lying right next to each other. How can i merge them to one single layer so that i can analyse my whole DEM at once? 3) converting TIN to GRID My DEM comes in TIN-format so that i will have to convert it to GRID to be able to analyse it. Will there be any inaccuracies from converting TIN to GRID? If so, i would have to try to get the DEM in ADF-format... Thank you all so much for your help!
  7. Hello everyone, I tried to generate DEM from stereo ASTER image (AST_L1A) using ERDAS Leica Photogrammetry Suit 2011 version. For this purpose, I used orbital pushbroom ASTER geometric model for block creation. But when I added the ASTER image (HDF format) in block this show error message (ast_l1a_530.hdf> is not an appropriate file for this type of sensor model). I am not able to figure out the problem. If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.
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