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  1. Hi, the first step was the georeferation, after you must define the projection. Both files must have the same projection. Normally they wiil appear together. If not select "zoom to layers' in order to see them at arcmap I am sorry I cannot speak English fluntly, if you need something else tell me.
  2. Thanks, I will try with Arc Hydro, I do not have the others.
  3. Hello, I have differnt kind of DEM ana I have the drainage network (stream to feature shape) and also the basin. i have the grainage lenght, the number of branches and the stream order. I need to calculate the drainage frequency, drainage density and the basin slope. Are there any way to be calculated at arcmap? How? Thanks in advance for your help Evi
  4. It is perfect, is working and the result is absoltly fantastic Thank you
  5. I am working on my MSc presentation. I have created hyper - links and I want to presentate the procedure using a video. In order to be understandable this procedure I have to presentate it step by step. I am working with animation toolbar creating keyframes and tracks. After the end if you display it, it is impossible to see for examle the attribute table.Why? I would like to do the same for my queries. Help???
  6. Hello, I am a new member and I have 2 questions 1) I want to create a piezometric/potensiometric map using kriging or/and cokriging (arcgis9.3). Due to the rules the correlation factor must be -1/+1. In order to calculate it we need the stdv and the convariance. During this procedure at the geostatistical analyst, semivariogram and the covariance diagram are created (not only these) . My problem: which will be the way to see/ understand the if the cor. factor is in at the aforementioned limit.Where exist this factor? 2) I am confused, I know I am knew, which is the difference between single and multiple geodatabase? I will wait for response Thank in advance
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