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  1. I can't convert the file to .shp. Thank you!
  2. Ow gisadept thank you for you help. Well, the files that i want are the hidrological, this files still are not converted to shape and the tools that exist in the webpage are just to convert .XML files into .SHP. This webpage have the original files used by japan government http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj-e/old/cgi-bin/_kategori_view.cgi there are the all files of hidrologic data, but these files are in .TXT. I think that i'm don't getting convert the .TXT files in global mapper because the japan font. thanks in adv.
  3. a new link http://depositfiles.com/files/62ihzg5nq
  4. The files are in format .txt, i try import using Global Mapper but no work. Look the file please, WGS84 are points W01-07P-48-01.0a.zip
  5. The Japan has a great GIS data site, but i don't know how to convert or import yours files to shapefile or other vector format. Hereafter the link: http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj-e/old/cgi-bin/_kategori_view.cgi Someone can explain how to use the files? thanks in advanced.
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