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  1. Hi all, This is my first time using ENVI and I have applied atmospheric corrections. These are the steps I took: 1- Radiometric correction 2- FLAASH atmospheric correction 3- To eliminate the Negative values and make them between 0 and 1 in data values, I used this formula: (B1 le 0)*0+(B1 ge 10000)*1+(B1 gt 0 and B1 lt 10000)*float (b1)/10000 When I export the corrected later to TIFF, it will be in a 3 band composite but I need single bands to be exported as TIFF so I can use in Arcmap. So what I need is to use some bands of each image in Arcmap to make a composite eventually but I dont know how to export single bands when they are atmospherically corrected. I would appreciate any help on this! Could you please tell me in steps since Im very new to ENVI and know almost nothing about it!
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