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  1. thx jorrarro for your reply. I tried to import coordinate (in txt format) to ArcMap using the following tutorial, but I only get "Field 6", for X and Y directions. I can choose again Field 6 for Z direction, but I think the way I'm doing is wrong. Could you please elaborate more on how you imported and got the points on the map? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT1eFTu1unk Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, I've received following PDF map and text note consisting coordinate numbers to get dimensions of blue hachured areas (tunnels) on the map. Do you know what coordinate system is it? or if you can share some links with me regarding this format? At first I thought numbers are based on UTM coordinate system, but the PDF map doesn't have any scale on top-&left sides or others sides. So, I cannot read numbers based on that. Any help would be appreciated. PDF+text note: http://nimasa.net/my_disk/temp/map.rar Thanks nexaen
  3. nexaen


    سلام نسخه ی آخر برنامه ی Pix4dMapper که در تاپیک زیر رلیز شده رو اگه کسی داره زحمت بکشه برای من بفرسته - ممنون
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