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Megaupload file-sharing site shut down


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Megaupload, one of the internet's largest file-sharing sites, has been shut down by officials in the US.

The site's founders have been charged with violating piracy laws.

Federal prosecutors have accused it of costing copyright holders more than $500m (£320m) in lost revenue. The firm says it was diligent in responding to complaints about pirated material.

The news came a day after anti-piracy law protests, but investigators said they were ordered two weeks ago.

The US Justice Department said that Megaupload's two co-founders Kim Dotcom, formerly known as Kim Schmitz, and Mathias Ortmann were arrested in Auckland, New Zealand along with two other employees of the business at the request of US officials. It added that three other defendants were still at large.

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just read in twitter, and that's really suck  :evil:

this is the  complete list, all filesharing now afraid and make some action :




Deleting multiple files. Closed affiliate program.


(Owned by FileServe) Deleting multiple files. Testing out blocking some USA IP addresses.


(Owned by FileServe) Deleting multiple files. Testing out blocking some USA IP addresses.


Sharing disabled. Closed affiliate program. Deleting files and accounts.


Closed affiliate program.


Banned USA IP addresses.


Started suspending accounts with infringing material (doing what Hotfile did)


Closed affiliate program.


Deleting multiple files.

okay, thats it, move to china filesharing  :evil:

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Is very sad that all this share website are closed by FBI and other authority of us ....I think that  is a witch hunter ....but never surrender never fall down ...the hacking lifestyle alive for ever and the share is evolution is sorvivor in this capital fuck word....anonymous is the future the megaclan of hope and the first trooper of war to save the weak interest ....

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