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Movies that you Watched


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Hello Everyone! I see you all getting bored in front of your pc, knocking heads on desk, trying to find new formulas to solve new problems and doing the GIS work. Lets take a break! In this thread we will share (if the mod let us) experiences, reviews and comments about the latest movies we have watched. Share how you like them, why you like them, why you hate them,........ and story of the movie in short. Here we will also share download links of those movies so that everyone can watch them. Lets start!

Recently I watched the hottest movies of the year Transformers: Dark of the Moon.


Optimus and his fellow warriors find their master Sentinel. They make him alive thinking he will remake their planet once again. But Megatrons think eather way. Dont want to spoil the story!! 

I couldn't help to stop watch this movie in its TS version because I really loved the previous two. One thing I could say is... AWESOME ACTION. Director Michael Bay really get away with the stunts and fireworks way ahead even then the previous two. Its more drama and more destruction than ever.  :shocked: :shocked:

Its the CAM version, so not a very good video but the audio is ok.

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