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ESRI Development Summit 2015 Recap


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It always fun to read recap from one of ESRI’s biggest event, ESRI Development Summit, so here you go, I found some interesting articles here :





The 2015 Esri Developer Summit was held in Palm Springs, CA, March 10-13, so here some interesting point.

  1. AppsStudio for ArcGIS, a QML code compiler that develops native apps for Mac, iOS, Android, Windows and Linux. AppStudio requires an ArcGIS Online subscription, ArcGIS Runtime licensing at an appropriate level, and Qt Creator for $174/month.
  2. Javascript API 3.13 with new features : Vector Map Tiles, Smart Mapping (auto symbolization data), Geometry Engine (allow you to do client-side processing and operations such as clip, buffer, and calculate, all on the fly), New Search Widget
  3. AngularJS2, for replace dojo framework
  4. ArcGIS Pro. ArcGIS Pro roadmap : 1.1 Summer then 1.2 in the Fall (October)

              On version 1.1 : SDK, Vector Tiles, Range Slider, 3D Scene, Excel Support, Cogo

              On version 1.2 : Facility Manager, KML, Mobile Map Packages, Enterprise Collaboration, Publish by Reference     (EGDB), Graphs and Reports

  1. Pufferfish Sphere XL, a 36-inch plastic screen was the display mechanism. It allowed finger gestures on its surface to rotate the display, enlarge the map viewing area.
  2. Support for Xamarin for C#.Net developers to be able to develop once and deploy to iOS and Android
  3. R script support for ArcGIS.
  4. Python , At 10.3.1, scipy, pandas, and netcdf4python will be part of the standard ArcGIS for Desktop install, you will also get to choose which version of Python to install
  5. 3D is coming to Web AppBuilder in 2015
  6. StreamLayers- a new feature service type that streams features constantly over a web socket rather than fetching them as requested. As a part of Geoevent Extension for Server.
  7. ESRI Leaflet.js

In the end of 2015 we can espect of this features and releases :

A major JavaScript API release, 4.0, will bring more consistency across the API.

The next release of the Runtime SDK, the “Runtime Quartz SDK”, will add shape file support, portal layer support, and increased performance.

Multi-platform mobile application development will become easier with Xamarin support

 mobile deployment will also become easier with AppStudio for ArcGIS.

ArcGIS for Server’s Server Object Interceptors (SOI) will provide a place to modify functionality of services without affecting the client-side API by intercepting calls and responses to and from the server and performing some function.

ArcGIS Pro development allows Python and R Scripts working together and the Pro SDK is very similar to the RunTime SDK

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