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  1. Hi again, You could create a single file from all your R1C1, R2C1, etc... with gdal it's more or less like this gdalbuildvrt yourfile.vrt *.tif then export to a tif file (becareful it could be huge) gdal_translate -of gtiff yourfile.vrt destinationfile.tif (you give the name of your imd file with extension .tif) Then you could use the file in ERDAS... See you
  2. Hi, This problem happens because, probably you don't have the metadata file , it's more or less like , the file where you have the info about your image. In the case of WV2, you could have a TIL file with another RPC/RPB file and i think that you could probably have a IMD file and of coarse the tiff file. Then the program had to read all this files to process your image correctly. I hope it help...
  3. Hi! I like to be one of the testers, i have acess to alot of satelite image types and Ortophotos I will be waiting for a contact from you... see you soon JC
  4. Hi! First of all, thank's for the great work. Meantime, I'm a developer in ESRI Mapobjects and i have some programs that i will show here in a near future, but i'm writing this lines to tell that i have done some time a go, some basic stuff to work like a GIS aplication in Microstation (the CAD system from Bentley). The aplications do connections with databases, load data in the tables, and alow you to select elements via querys in sql. At this time, i'm trying to organize all my stuff and i will publish all my work with demos for you to see and try when i have time to do that. Meanwhile, if anyone have any question about my work, please mail me i will reply as fastter as i could. See you, keep on the go job! João Correia
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