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shin_conan last won the day on July 26 2015

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About shin_conan

  • Birthday 06/17/1989

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  1. well, for starters, you could look up to http://solutions.arcgis.com/ and search for specific ArcGIS-related projects for various purposes for ideas. Also you could browse for implemented ideas on arcgis online (and other ESRI projects) in https://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/. I would personally suggest you to develop some kind of social media related mapping project (i.e. crowdsourced map). This could produce many kinds of information system (for example, this project which utilize the social media for emergency and disaster management). Given correct keywords, you could adopt the idea into various purposes, such as sentiment analysis and mapping, geopolitics, traffic monitoring, etc. The limit is your imagination
  2. Ini udah dibuatken repositorynya, biar lebih mudah diedit dan ditambah lagi: https://github.com/ppids-ugm/simpul-jaringan-indonesia Monggo
  3. I recently developed an online cloud service structure-from-motion algorithm for many purposes called CloudSfM (do a Github search ). It combines these three libraries below: OpenMVG (openmvg.readthedocs.org/en/latest) for Global and incremental sparse and dense SFM reconstruction, MVE (http://www.gcc.tu-darmstadt.de/home/proj/mve/) for Multiview Stereo Algorithm, meshing MVS-Texturing (http://www.gcc.tu-darmstadt.de/home/proj/texrecon/) for texture draping I found that the three combination yields very good result, even comparable to that of Agisoft Photoscan. Another open source libraries with quite satisfactory result (as far as I have tried): OpenMVG, combined with OpenMVS TheiaSFM (http://www.theia-sfm.org/) Kitware MapTK (https://github.com/Kitware/maptk), motion imagery aerial photogrammetry toolkit, which accept input from a video to produce orthophotos and 3D models SURE Photogrammetry (http://www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/publications/software/sure/index.en.html), the only libraries implementing Semi-Global Matching Algorithm that I know. Some research claimed that the result are comparable to that of LiDAR Happy opensourcing!
  4. Mohon maaf untuk ArcGIS REST Services dari PPIDS UGM sedang dalam maintenance terkait perubahan konfigurasi jaringan di UGM. Mudah-mudahan segera online lagi
  5. I personally think that the best way to start working with pgRouting is integrate it into QGIS. This post from Anita Graser and some other posts help me with some pgRouting projects in the past. Hope it provides some assistance for you too.
  6. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia No PM 90 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pengendalian Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara Tanpa Awak di Ruang Udara yang Dilayani Indonesia Download di Link ini
  7. As a matter of fact, one can use various services to extract OSM vector data. Have a look at http://export.hotosm.org (my favorite), or http://www.geofabrik.de/data/shapefiles.html, or http://overpass-turbo.eu/ or other services (as far as I can remember, QGIS can also be used to donwload OSM data). However, the result will be a polyline instead of a polygon, but I think it's a start
  8. Very nice point. beside the overprice of course. Thanks for this
  9. Amazing. I wonder if it's possible to recreate Google Tango using low(er)-cost technology?
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