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  1. Yes I am aware of the Jenny model of soils forming factors, these have been taken into consideration. My project is just seeing how well the interpolation method works for a single site within a grid. Is there a preference of interpolation method depending on the physical properties?
  2. Hi, For a research project I have collected a square grid of soil samples along with a GPS co-ordinate at each location, I have tested the soils to find results such as pH, Organic Matter Content and the likes. I then took random samples within the Grid to test the accuracy of GIS when predicting soil characteristics. I am wondering which GIS method to use , i.e Interpolation, Kriging , Co-Kriging or any other method. The software I have available is ArcGIS 10.3. I was going to compare the results of the actual random samples compared to what the GIS predicted values would give. Thanks, Stephen
  3. stephenhann

    Wind Data

    I have downloaded the DECC's ascII format of wind speeds for the UK but I am unable to convert this to a GIS format. Is there a manual or tutorial video to do this? I have also been on the UK Climate Projections User interface which claims to have wind speed data available but I am unable to find it. Is there anywhere I can get UK wind speed data that is suitable to use within ArcGIS?
  4. Hi, I am creating cycling route maps for a Business Park in the UK. I have access to Digimap data. I want to know what is the best file type to present my routes on for easiest visibility and under standing. I.e. OS Open Map? Meridian 2 tiles? The maps are very local scale with a 4 mile distance between points so I would like to use a very small scale and have all roads easily interpreted on an A4 map.
  5. Hi, The pdf link would not work, but thanks for your advice it was very helpful. one other question would be if I compare a mean NDVI score for 2010 compared to 2015 but need to define desertification in 4 categories would I use the boundaries for 2010 as a classification system for 2015?
  6. Hi, I have a project to map 'Current' Desertification in Tunisia. I need to produce a 1:800,000 map. My Initial Idea is to measure desertification through an NDVI to classify desertification using LandSat 8 images as a data source. Questions: Is LandSat 8's spatial resolution suitable to map a 1:800,000 scale map? Should I use one year of images i.e monthly 2014 images or a longer time frame such as 10 years of monthly images or be even more specific i.e daily? to get a mean NDVI score, or should I not use a mean score? Would all the images I have to use need to be corrected for atmospheric variation even though I have used the same satellite? Thanks in advance!
  7. The excel file only contains postcode data, is there a way to georeference the postcodes in order to give latitude/longitude values?
  8. I have an excel spreadsheet full of post codes that I want to convert into points. If I download a raster map of the local area how would I georeference the postcodes to correlate on the map.
  9. A 30x30 metre spatial resolution would be classed as a low resolution image? As when zooming in, it is hard to make out land covers easily, compared to a high resolution image where smaller land covers could be seen clearly such as roads, small streams and urban buildings.
  10. I am using Erdas Imagine 2015 software to perform an unsupervised classification of a Landsat 8 img file. When using the Isodata method is there any parameters I can adapt such as standard deviation, convergence threshold etc that are a standard to produce the most accurate results for a land cover assessment rather than the default settings. As recoding and masking individual classes is a lengthy and complicated process. Thanks
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